Who we are and what we do at GathyRay Housing?

GathyRay Housing has been established to provide supported accommodation for people with support needs to be independent in their community, particularly those with a learning disability, enduring mental health needs and autism.

Support to our tenants is provided through contracts with care and support providers and we partner with many local authorities, local and national care and support providers, tenants, and their families.

This complimentary approach promotes choice and independent living, whilst protecting the rights and welfare of our tenants at the same time.

Our homes are located throughout the area and offer a range of accommodation including bungalows, flats, bedsits and shared houses.

We work hard to source the right accommodation for people in the community they choose. We do this through purchasing and leasing properties in several ways.

Our Vision

A society where people with support needs have equitable access to housing; opening the door for choice, independence and wellbeing, and supporting community based living.

Strategic Aims/Objectives

To provide a values-based, quality led service offer

Our housing offer is based on providing high quality housing which promotes independence and supports health and social care commissioning.

We seek to maintain our housing to a high standard, as a responsive, trusted landlord and be a housing provider of choice for Partners, through the vehicle of a well-run organisation

We understand that in order to provide a Values-Based service offer we must maintain a viable, sustainable, ethical and well governed charitable organisation which meets value for money criteria; attracting skilled and innovative staff driven by our values. Whilst managing growth.

We seek growth to meet unmet need, underpin Value for Money and support the health and social care sector. Growth is not an end in itself and will be balanced against the ability to continue to provide a high quality offer.

Partnerships Supported Living involves collaboration

We believe our success depends on creating and maintaining partnerships with other organisations, groups and individuals. Support to our tenants is provided through contracts with care and support providers and we partner with many local authorities, local and national care and support providers, tenants, and their families. This complimentary approach promotes choice and independent living, whilst protecting the rights and welfare of our tenants at the same time. If you want to discuss how we could help you or the organisation you work with access great housing, please contact us.

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